Files for accepted manuscripts of Journal of Hydrdodynamics

1 42241_IJHD-CTS-2018.docx (下载3493)
2 42241_IJHD-Article-Template(2023editon)
3.1 42241-IJHD-Instructions-for-figures.docx (下载2405)
3.2 42241-IJHD-Instructions-for-figures-for-chinese-author.pdf (下载4177)

Dear authors,

Congratulations! Your manuscript has been accepted by Journal of Hydrodynamics, thank you for your contribution to Journal of Hydrodynamics.

There are 3 files in the following which you may need in the production stage.

Please send your Copyright Transfer Statement (CTS) and the source files in MS Word(only accept MS word files) of your accepted manuscript to
at your early convenience so that we can upload your article to OnlineFirst ASAP.

Journal of Hydrodynamics has a column of “Online First” at the website

To accelerate the editorial process, the Editorial Office of Journal of

Please be kindly noted that four points should be paid full attention:

  1. MS Word must be of the 2007 Edition.
  2. The formulas must be edited by Mathtype 6.0.
  3. The figures must be edited from CoreldRAW X3.
  4. The number of references is about 20 items.

In order to improve the influence of your manuscripts and Journal of Hydrodynamics, the Editorial Office would, from now on, provide the free service to send your manuscript to the international community. Would you please send us, to, the email addresses of those who may be interested in your publication in Journal of Hydrodynamics.

Please be kindly noted that the title of email should be the number of your manuscripts.

Reasonable sharing (SharedIt link) is encouraged for non-commercial, personal use.

SharedIt allows you to share your research in an easy and legitimate way, facilitating discussions and collaborations with other researchers who may not have a subscription.  SharedIt links will take readers to the most up to date, online version of the article.

Where is the SharedIt link, please see the following Screen screenshots.

 Editorial Office of Journal of Hydrodynamics